1. Glossary

This glossary of terms explains what is meant by commonly used or particularly important planning terms. In some cases the meaning of the term is legally defined, and this glossary cannot supersede such definition. It is however intended to help people using the plan to avoid misunderstandings.

Adopted Local Plan
The Plan, once it has been through all the preparation and consultation stages, and formally adopted by the Borough Council. Changes can only then be made by formal alteration or replacement.

Advantage West Midlands
Regional Development Agency (RDA) for the West Midlands Region, established by Government.

Affordable Housing
The West Midlands Local Government Association definition categorises affordable housing into two types:

  1. Housing provided by an organisation – such as a registered social landlord or local authority – allocating on the basis of need. While such dwellings will normally be made available for rent, they may also include subsidised home ownership, such as shared ownership, where a registered social landlord or local authority retains a continuing interest.
  2. Low-cost market housing, helping to meet the needs of first time buyers, single people, the elderly and other low income households, who cannot afford to rent or buy houses generally available on the open market.”

For North Warwickshire, this will be further explained in an Affordable Housing Protocol to be published by the Local Planning Authority.

Agricultural Land Classification
National agricultural land grading system, related to quality and versatility. Classification ranges from Grade 1 (best) to Grade 5.

Agri-Environment Schemes
Include Countryside Stewardship, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, and Organic Aid schemes. Co-funded by Government and the European Union (EU), they aim to maintain and enhance landscape, built environment, wildlife and public access.

Designation in the Plan of land for a particular land use.

Ancient Woodland
Areas of continuous woodland cover from at least 1600 AD to the present. Clearance at some time for underwood or timber production does not exclude a wood from this category.

Area of Restraint
Area of strategic importance for which there is a restriction of development that would change the open character of the area.

Backland Development
Development on a site to the rear of other existing buildings, without a highway frontage.

The whole variety of natural life and habitats, encompassing all genetic species and ecosystems.
Biodiversity Action Plans Prepared by English Nature to implement the UK Biodiversity Strategy. They outline the current status of, and pressures facing, particular habitats or species, set targets, propose action to maintain or increase biodiversity, and identify research needs.

Brownfield Land
Not an official term, but used to contrast with Greenfield (undeveloped) land. See “Previously Developed Land”.

Any structure designed or adapted for human habitation, that is capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed, or by being transported on a motor vehicle or trailer) and any motor vehicle so designed. This definition is also applicable to chalets and mobile homes.

West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive (PTE) which is responsible for providing and developing public transport serving the West Midlands conurbation.

Change of Use
The different use of a building or land for which planning permission is required from the Planning Authority under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Acts and associated legislation.

Documents produced by Government setting out information and advice in relation to Government policy and other matters. Circulars are reviewed from time to time, and in relation to Government Policy are largely being superseded by Planning Policy Guidance (PPGs), Planning Policy Statements (PPSs), Mineral Planning Guidance (MPGs) and Mineral Planning Statements (MPSs).

Circular 6/98: Planning and Affordable Housing
Sets out Government’s approach to planning and affordable housing, including advice to Local Planning Authorities on how to increase the supply of affordable housing in appropriate circumstances through negotiations with developers.

Land that has planning permission for a specific use, but where development has yet to be begun or has not been completed.

Community Forest
National programme of major environmental improvements, shaped by local partnership working, that uses multipurpose forestry to improve countryside around towns and cities by restoring areas scarred by industrial dereliction, to support employment, recreation, education and wildlife.

Community Strategy / Community Plan
Plan for enhancing the Quality of Life of a local community (Local Planning Authority administrative area). Required under the Local Government Act 2000, to be developed and implemented by a Local Strategic Partnership. Local Plans should now be drawn up within the context of a Community Strategy / Plan, and help in its implementation.

Positive measures for the management of existing resources or assets to ensure their protection and enhancement.

Conservation Area
Formally designated areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.

Contaminated Land
Land where there is, or could be, a presence on site of substances that may give rise to a hazard.

Conurbation Fringe Corridor
The area in North Warwickshire that borders the West Midlands Conurbation, extending from Tamworth to Packington running alongside the eastern edge of the built-up area of Birmingham, as defined on the Waste Local Plan proposals map.

Intensity of use of a site or area. In this Plan the term usually refers to the number of new dwellings per hectare.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Following the June 2001 Government reorganisation, the Department with responsibility for environmental, agricultural and rural matters.

Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR)
Following the June 2001 Government reorganisation, the Department responsible for planning matters. Now the responsibility of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).

Deposit Draft Local Plan
New Local Plan as formally proposed by the Local Planning Authority. A deposited Plan is advertised and can be formally objected to, with the objections being heard at a public local inquiry held by an independent inspector appointed by Government. In its draft form it is a material consideration in dealing with planning applications.

Derelict Land
Land so damaged by industrial or other development that it is incapable of beneficial use without treatment.

Defined by Section 55 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as “The carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change of use of any buildings or other land”.

Development Boundary
A line that defines the area within which a permissive development policy or policies apply. In this Local Plan development boundaries are defined for the majority of existing built-up areas, and are particularly relevant to the application of housing policies. They do not define what is or is not a settlement, and some smaller settlements do not have development boundaries. Nor do they necessarily define the extent of a settlement, as some features such as churches, playing fields, farm buildings and peripheral housing may be outside a development boundary.

Development Brief
Document published to guide the development of a particular site or sites. Briefs typically give details of suitable land uses, the dispositions of these uses, constraints on development, and any specific requirements or detailed considerations; after formal public consultation they constitute “Supplementary Planning Documents”. Such documents can also be termed “Planning Briefs”.

Developer Contributions
Works carried out, or payments made, by the developer of land to provide supporting infrastructure, landscape, public transport, education and other community facilities necessary to enable the development to take place. These are normally secured through obligations / agreements under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.

Development Plan
Approved statutory plans for an area. The Development Plan for North Warwickshire comprises:

It does not as yet include North Warwickshire Community Plan or Warwickshire Transport Local Plan, although these are important material considerations in determining planning applications.
Enforcement Process by which a Local Planning Authority can take steps to remedy a breach of planning control, usually development that has been carried out without permission under planning or advertisement control legislation, or non-compliance with a condition imposed on a planning permission.

Environment Agency
Established in April 1996. The statutory umbrella organisation with responsibilities of the former Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution, National Rivers Authority, Drinking Water Inspectorate and Waste Regulation Authorities (England and Wales).

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Procedure to ensure that the likely effects of new development on the environment are adequately appraised and amelioration secured before development is permitted.

Farm Diversification
Establishing new and different economic activity to support existing agricultural businesses and farm incomes. Examples include food processing, forestry and tourism.

The arrangement of windows, other openings and detailing on a building.

Green Belt
National policy that defines large land areas where the open character will be maintained. Its purpose is to prevent the spread of conurbations, prevent the coalescence of towns and villages, and preserve the individual characters of settlements. The Green Belt in North Warwickshire is part of the West Midlands Green Belt.

Green Transport Plan
Put into place by an organisation to reduce its reliance on the private car.

Greenfield Land
Land on which no development has previously taken place, as opposed to “Previously Developed Land”. Usually agricultural or wooded land that has not been used for any other purpose.

Gross Floorspace
Total floor area of a building measured to the outside of the external walls.

Home Zone
Residential area where priority is given to walking and cycling over vehicular traffic, in order to help reduce road casualties and to create high quality street environments.

Housing Pipeline
Land with planning permission for housing that is either under construction or not yet started, and housing windfall allowances. Allocations within the adopted Local Plan that do not have planning permission are also included.

Actions to achieve objectives, policies, proposals, or performance targets.

Out of place.

Industrial Pipeline
Land with planning permission for industry that is either under construction or not yet started, and industrial windfall allowances. Allocations within the adopted Local Plan that do not have planning permission are also included.

Industrial Use
Under the Warwickshire Structure Plan (WASP), development that falls within Use Class B1 (business), B2 (general industrial), and B8 (storage or distribution).
Employment uses encompasses a wider range of uses, such as shops (A1), financial and professional services (A2), restaurants and cafes (A3), drinking establishments (A4), hot food takeaway (A5), hotels (C1), hospitals and residential institutions (C2), non-residential institutions such as nurseries and schools (D1), and assembly and leisure uses such as cinemas and swimming baths (D2).

Complete or partial filling of a gap in an otherwise mostly continuous frontage, normally with one, two, or at the most three units.

Informal Recreation
Leisure activities that are not undertaken on a formal, organised basis, and are generally carried out by individuals or small groups on an intermittent basis, with a minimal requirement for supporting facilities.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Computing, telephone and other technology enabling remote working and communication.

Roads, public utilities (water supply, drainage, electricity, gas, telephones) and services such as transport, community facilities, schools and local shops. The necessary requirements for site development and community well-being.

Inward Investor
Business that establishes in an area from outside the area

Depositions of solid waste onto and into land in such a way that pollution, or other harm to the environment, is prevented. Through restoration, that land may be used for another purpose.

Legal Agreement
Written agreement made between a prospective developer, the Local Planning Authority (North Warwickshire Borough Council) and possibly other agencies, to mitigate the impacts of a proposed development. Usually made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Listed Building
Building or structure included within the statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest compiled by The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport with advice from English Heritage.

Local Biodiversity Action Plan
Non-statutory plan developed through partnership working that seeks to identify local priorities and to determine the contribution they can make to the delivery of national and local Species and Habitat Action Plan targets.

Local Service Centre
A Local Service Centre is a rural village which, in terms of its size and location, the number and range of services and facilities it contains, and its accessibility by a range of means of transport, enable it to provide for the day-to day needs of its own population and that of the surrounding rural area and other smaller rural settlements. They represent the locations where housing, employment, schooling, health care, and other facilities are to be concentrated in the interests of establishing sustainable patterns of development.

Local Plan
Detailed statutory land use plan prepared by a District or Borough Council, setting out specific policies and proposals to be applied to planning applications for all types of development (excluding minerals and waste that are County Council responsibilities).

Local Transport Plan (LTP)
Plan prepared by the Strategic Planning Authority (Warwickshire County Council) detailing transport priorities and actions to be taken.

Market Housing
Housing for those households who can afford to pay the full market price to buy or rent their home, ie. occupied on the basis of price alone. (See also “Social Housing”)

Market Town
Settlement in a predominantly rural area that functions as a service centre for the inhabitants of the town and its hinterland. In North Warwickshire these are Atherstone, Polesworth and Coleshill, as identified by the West Midlands Market Towns Task Group, chaired jointly by Advantage West Midlands and the Countryside Agency.

Metropolitan Area
The West Midlands metropolitan authorities of Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Coventry.

People moving home, either into an area (immigration) or out of an area (emigration).
Minerals Local Plan / Minerals Local Development Framework
Detailed statutory land use plan produced by the County Council setting out specific policies and proposals to be applied to planning applications for mineral working, including sand & gravel, hard rock, and opencast coal.

Minerals Planning Guidance (MPG) / Mineral Planning Statements (MPS)
Government policy documents, similar to Planning Policy Guidance / Statements (PPG’s/ PPS’s), regulating the work of the Minerals Planning Authority (Warwickshire County Council) and the minerals industry.

Mixed Use Development
New development that includes more than one use, for example residential, retail and business. Developments that have an ancillary use to a main use are not mixed use.

Modal Shift
Shift in use from one mode of transport to another, for example from private car to public transport.

Checking the progress and effectiveness of Plan policies and proposals.

Multi-Modal Interchange
Providing for change from one ‘mode’ of travel to another, for example between car, bus, and train.

Natural Area Profile
Document describing the characteristics of a Natural Area. Natural Areas do not follow administrative boundaries but are defined by their wildlife, natural features, land use and human history, and form the context of national and local Biodiversity Action Plan targets.

Net Floorspace
Floor area of rooms in a building used by the activity, but excluding toilets, corridors and other ancillary areas.

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Former department responsible for planning now the responsibility of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG)

Outline Consent
Outline Planning Permission, given for the principle of a development. Subsequent approval of details is required.

Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest
A Park or garden of national historical importance. Such designations are recorded in the national ‘Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England’, compiled by English Heritage.

Permitted Development
Development for which it is not necessary to apply for planning permission. Defined in Development Orders pursuant to the Town and Country Planning Acts.

Planning Brief
See “Development Brief”.

Planning Condition
Steps to be taken, or limitations imposed, on a planning permission for development.

Planning Permission
Permission granted by the Local Planning Authority to carry out development. Development includes change of use of land or buildings, not involving new construction, if the change is material in planning terms.

Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) / Planning Policy Statements (PPS’s)
Notes setting out Government policies on different aspects of planning. Local authorities must take them into account in preparing their development plans.

Plan, Monitor & Manage (PMM)
An approach to housing and other requirements and the way they should be met, that emphasises regular review of both. For housing PMM details see PPG3, paragraph 8.

Plan Period
The period of time covered by a plan. For Warwickshire Structure Plan (WASP) it is 1996 to 2011. For this Local Plan it is 2002-2011.

Predict and Provide
Approach based on providing land to meet estimates of future needs.

Premium Employment Site (PES)
High quality site of at least 40 ha., regionally identified for multi-occupation to encourage inward investment, and to allow for the expansion of existing firms.

Protection from change that would harm the character, authenticity or appearance of a building or area that policy indicates should be kept intact.

Previously Developed Land (PDL)
As set out in Annex C of PPG3. Previously developed land is that which is or was occupied by a permanent structure (excluding agricultural or forestry buildings), and associated fixed surface infrastructure. The definition covers the curtilage of the development. Previously developed land may occur in both built-up and rural settings. The definition includes defence buildings and land used for mineral extraction and waste disposal where provision for restoration has not been made through development control procedures.

The definition excludes land and buildings that are currently in use for agricultural or forestry purposes, and land in built-up areas which has not been developed previously (for example parks, recreation grounds, and allotments – even though these areas may contain certain urban features such as paths, pavilions and other buildings). Also excluded is land that was previously developed but where the remains of any structure or activity have blended into landscape in the process of time (to the extent that it can be reasonably be considered as part of the natural surroundings), and where there is a clear reason that could outweigh the re-use of the site, such as its contribution to nature conservation, or it has subsequently been put to an amenity use and cannot be regarded as requiring redevelopment.

Sometimes referred to as “Brownfield Land”. The opposite of PDL is “Greenfield Land”.

Proposals Map
Ordnance Survey based map, with more detailed insets, showing the locations affected by site-specific policies and proposals, forming part of this Local Plan.

Public Local Inquiry
Held by an independent inspector appointed by Government, into objections to the Local Plan. Takes place after the Local Planning Authority has sought to meet objections to the draft plan by publishing a Second Draft.

Public Participation
Involvement of the public in the process of making plans and planning decisions.

Quality of Life
Economic, social and environmental well-being. The focus of sustainability.

Regional Economic Strategy (RES)
Produced by Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and entitled “Creating Advantage”. It has two key themes: creating wealth through enterprise, and providing access to opportunity.

Regionally Important Geological Site (RIGS)
Site selected locally for its geological or geomorphological value. The selection of RIGS is part of the SINC process with the criteria being adopted by the Borough in 1997.

Regional Planning Guidance (RPG) / Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS)
Government Planning Policy Guidance for administrative regions. RPG11 is the RPG for the West Midlands. The RPG for the West Midlands was approved in June 2004 and became the Regional Spatial Strategy at the commencement of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

Registered Social Landlord (RSL)
Organisation registered with the Housing Corporation permitting it to develop and manage housing for rent, and to receive Government assistance. Main example is a Housing Association.

Written comments made within the relevant period to the Local Planning Authority, by any person or group likely to be affected by a policy or proposal in the Plan. Representations can be in support or in opposition.

Rural Area
Under Warwickshire Structure Plan (WASP), the areas outside the main towns of Nuneaton, Bedworth, Rugby, Kenilworth, Leamington Spa, Warwick and Stratford-upon-Avon.

Rural Renaissance
Overcoming the problems experienced in rural areas, so as to achieve viable and sustainable rural communities.

Scheduled Ancient Monument
Scheduled Ancient Monument is a statutory protection designation under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. Scheduled Ancient Monuments are of national importance although not all nationally important remains are Scheduled. English Heritage advises the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport on the scheduling of remains and applications for Scheduled Monument Consent. Warwickshire County Museum maintains the County’s Sites and Monuments Record.

School Travel Plan
Plan aimed at reducing car use for journeys to and from school.

Section 106 Agreement (S106)
See Developers Contributions above.

Service Industry
Generic term for businesses providing services to the public or other businesses. Examples include vehicle repairs, showrooms, building supplies, equipment maintenance, hotels, tourist facilities and waste recycling.

Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)
Site selected locally by English Nature, Warwickshire Museum and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust for its nature conservation value. The criteria for the selection of SINCs was adopted by the Borough in 1997 and is available from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Site statutorily protected for its nature conservation, geological or scientific value, designated under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).

Special Needs Accommodation
Accommodation that caters for special needs groups including; the frail elderly, those with physical or mental disability, the vulnerable young, those with severe sensory disability and other. This definition reflects the definition contained within the Council’s 2003 Housing Need Study and corresponds with one recognised by the Housing Corporation.

Social Housing
Housing for households that cannot afford to pay the full market price to buy or rent their home. It is therefore occupied on the basis of need rather than price. (See also “Market Housing”)

Special Landscape Area (SLA)
Area recognised as being of County-level landscape importance. A non-statutory landscape designation. Special Landscape Areas frequently border Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, protecting the landscape settings of these statutorily designated areas.

Statement of Conformity
Statement by a County Council as to whether a proposed Local Plan is in general conformity with the County Structure Plan.

Matters that have widespread implications, either beyond the immediate locality or for the choice of options for dealing with other issues.

Strategic Authority
County Councils and Unitary Authorities, that provide strategic policy and guidance on planning and other issues.

Strategic Rail Authority (SRA)
Created by the Transport Act 2000. Responsible for the overall direction of the rail network (passenger, freight and infrastructure) with the aim of creating a “bigger, better and safer railway”.

Structure Plan
Part of the statutory Development Plan (Town & Country Planning Act 1990, as amended, Sections 31-35c). Sets out the broad framework for planning at the local level and provides a strategic policy framework for planning and development control locally, ensuring provision for development is realistic and consistent with national and regional guidance. Structure Plans should also secure consistency between local plans for neighbouring areas. The Structure Plan relating to North Warwickshire is the Warwickshire Structure Plan (WASP) adopted in August 2001.

Sui Generis
Literally “without class” – not listed in the Use Classes Order.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) / Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Planning advice issued by the Local Planning Authority, after formal public consultation, providing greater detail and information on planning issues, approved proposals or development sites. SPD’s will carry more weight than SPG’s and they will require a Sustainability Appraisal

The process of moving towards sustainability is often referred to as sustainable development. A widely used international definition is “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland 1987).

Sustainability Appraisal
Appraisal of a strategy, plan or proposal to test it against Government’s sustainable development strategy.

Sustainable Transport Criteria
Principles set out in the Local Transport Plan for negotiating planning obligations towards sustainable transport measures.

Town Centre
To be defined in local plans as the area of the town containing the major concentration of shopping, offices and entertainment uses and a broad range of facilities and services. PPS6 sets out national planning guidance on Town Centres & Retail Developments.

Traffic Management
Promotion of more efficient movement of traffic within an area, by rearranging traffic movements, controlling intersections, or regulating parking, by means of Traffic Orders or construction works. Can also give priority to different forms of transport such as buses, or to pedestrians.

Transport Corridor
Important zone of movement connecting places, often consisting of major road, rail and bus routes.

Tree Preservation Order (TPO)
Order made and confirmed by a Local Planning Authority to protect trees from lopping, topping or felling without prior written consent.

UK Biodiversity Action Plan
Government national goals for conserving and enhancing habitats and species using individual Action Plans published in The UK Steering Group Report on Biodiversity, 1995.

UK Biodiversity Group
Provides strategic leadership for the biodiversity process. Comprises representatives of all major interests in biodiversity, including Government Departments, Local Government, statutory agencies, business and commerce, land management and voluntary conservation organisations.

Urban Capacity Study
Study to determine the potential of an area to accommodate further development, its density and its wider implications for sustainable development.

Urban Expansion
Increase in the quantity of development of an urban area through either intensification of use within the existing urban area or its extension.

Urban Extension
Increase in the quantity of development of an urban area solely through lateral extension, creating a new edge to the urban area.

Urban Regeneration
Economic, social and environmental revitalisation and renewal of urban areas that have experienced structural economic and physical decline leading to social disadvantage.

Use Class & Use Classes Order
Use Classes are defined as change in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order and related legislation.
For example, industrial uses are:

Change from one Use Class to another can require planning permission. Change of use within a Use Class does not normally require planning permission.

Village Design Statement (VDS)
Document prepared by a local community, providing guidance on the visual aspects of new development, and how it may best harmonise with local character. Funding for its preparation can be obtained from the Countryside Agency.

Warwickshire Local Transport Plan
Sets out Warwickshire County Council’s transport policies, proposals and priorities. The County Council is the Highway Authority for North Warwickshire, other than for motorways and trunk roads.

Waste Local Plan / Waste Local Development Framework
Detailed statutory land use plan produced by the County Council, setting out specific policies and proposals to be applied to planning applications for waste disposal facilities such as landfill sites, incinerators and recycling depots.

West Midlands Conurbation
Birmingham, Solihull and the Black Country.

West Midlands Local Government Association (WMLGA)
Voluntary organisation representing the 38 local authorities in the West Midlands Region. Formerly the West Midlands Forum of Local Authorities.

West Midlands Region
Government Region covered by the Government Office for the West Midlands (GO-WM).

Written Statement
Document forming the main part of a statutory plan, setting out the Local Planning Authority’s policies. Normally accompanied by a Proposals Map.

Windfall Site
An employment or housing site that is not identified on the Proposals Map of a Local Plan, but is nonetheless subsequently granted planning permission.

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