Display Result » TPT1


Major Traffic Generating Proposals

  1. In the following cases developers will be required to submit transportation assessments and travel plans to consider and mitigate the impacts of their schemes.
Use Indicative Thresholds
Non-food & Food Shops, Financial & Professional Services, PHs & Licensed Clubs, Restaurants and Takeaways More than 1,000m2
More than 2,500m2
More than 5,000m2
More than 10,000m2
Schools, Hotels, Motels, Guest Houses & Residential Clubs
Sites for 100 dwellings or more
Medical Practitioners, Clinics, Dentists, Opticians & Chiropodists
More than 500m2
Places of Assembly
More than 1,000m2
More than 1,500 seats

Assessments will also be required for developments below these thresholds:
• Where there is a cumulative effect created by the floorspace on the site or in the vicinity
• In Air Quality Management Areas (as shown on the Proposals Map)
• Or where there are demonstrable shortcomings in the adequacy of the local transport network to accommodate development of the scale proposed.

  1. Developments of this scale will be required to demonstrate safe and convenient access by a range of means of travel and transport.
  2. Planning permission will be refused where the transportation impacts of these developments are significant and cannot be mitigated by:
    1. Measures to reduce the impacts to acceptable levels
    2. The delivery of Approved Travel Plans
    3. Developer contributions towards public transport services and facilities, cycling and pedestrian provision.

For All Development

  1. Development will only be permitted where, individually or cumulatively there would be sufficient capacity within the transport network to accommodate traffic generated by the proposal and where there would be no additional hazard to traffic safety or detriment to access visibility.
  2. Schemes will only be permitted where the cumulative effect of developments can be accommodated within the network capacity and where transport associated impacts have been adequately addressed to maintain the character of the local environment.

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