Display Result » ENV7


Development of existing employment land outside the defined development boundaries of the Main Towns, the Green Belt Market Town and Local Service Centres will only be permitted if:

  1. The site is to remain in its existing and continuing use and:
    1. The proposal would not represent inappropriate development within the Green Belt; and
    2. The applicant firm occupies the land with the benefit of an extant planning permission for the use concerned, or the existing use is otherwise a lawful one in planning terms; and
    3. There would be no quantitative increase in employment floorspace; and
    4. The proposed development is necessary to secure existing jobs; and
    5. Lasting environmental improvement of the site commensurate with the scale of the project would be secured; and
    6. The proposal includes measures to avoid giving rise to additional unsustainable patterns of travel and transport.


  1. The site is redundant and:
    1. The proposal would not represent inappropriate development within the Green Belt; and
    2. The site is or will be made accessible by sustainable modes of transport; and
    3. The proposed use is one that requires a rural location or is otherwise incompatible for environmental, traffic or amenity reasons with being located within a settlement having a defined settlement boundary; and
    4. The proposal would result in a net reduction in the area of the site used for employment purposes and a net increase in the area of the site in open countryside use; and
    5. Lasting environmental improvement of the site commensurate with the scale of the project would be secured; and
    6. Local jobs and/or local services would be provided.

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