Display Result » ENV6


  1. The Council will safeguard and enhance land resources in the Borough by:
    1. In minerals developments ensuring the early establishment of after-uses that best meet the policies in this Local Plan
    2. Protecting suitable sites for the recycling and re-use of waste materials
    3. Requiring applicants to identify unstable and potentially unstable land, and securing land stabilisation
    4. Ensuring strict control of the use and disposal of hazardous substances, so as to safeguard land, premises and people
    5. Protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land

Contaminated Land:

  1. Development that would result in land contamination will not be permitted. An Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposal may be required to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority, that contamination will not occur.
  2. The development of contaminated, or potentially contaminated, land or of land in its vicinity, will not be permitted unless it is demonstrated to a reasonable degree of certainty that practical measures can be taken to treat, contain or control the contamination so as not to:
    1. Expose the occupiers of the development, including in the case of housing the normal use and enjoyment of gardens, to significant risk
    2. Threaten the structural integrity of buildings existing or to be erected on the site
    3. Lead to the contamination of any watercourse or aquifer
    4. Cause the contamination of adjoining land, or allow such contamination to continue
    5. Cause unacceptable environmental conditions for the occupiers of nearby properties while the remedial measures are being carried out, or
    6. Expose site operatives to unacceptable health risks.
  3. All remediation measures shall be to a standard approved by the Council, and allowance made for full remediation where this is not practical initially.

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