Display Result » ENV5


  1. Development resulting in the loss of open space which has been shown to be needed to meet the open space, sports and recreational needs of the Borough following the process of need assessment, audit and setting of local standards in accordance with paragraphs 1-9 of PPG17 will not be permitted.
  2. Until that PPG17 process has been completed, development resulting in the loss of open spaces falling within any of the following categories will not be permitted unless the proposal, in accordance with paragraph 10 of PPG17, is supported by an independent assessment showing the land to be surplus to requirements, that the local community has been consulted and that the proposals are widely supported by that community:
    1. Open Space Identified on the Proposals Map.
    2. Open space which falls within the typology in paragraph 2 of the annex to PPG17, except where development provides for relocation of the open space to a site which is at least equivalent in size, quality, accessibility, usefulness and attractiveness to that which would be lost.

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