Display Result » ENV16


Listed Buildings:

  1. There will be a presumption in favour of the preservation of Listed Buildings within the Borough.
  2. Development that would detract from the character, appearance or historic value of a Listed Building (including any building within its curtilage) in terms of historic form and layout or its setting, will not be permitted.
  3. The removal of later additions or alterations that detract from the character or appearance of a Listed Building will be encouraged, and will be required where substantial works are proposed.

Non- Listed Buildings of Local Historic Value:

  1. Development will not be permitted if it would result in the demolition, loss or disfigurement of buildings that are of demonstrable local townscape, architectural or historic interest, unless:
    1. The building or structure is no longer capable of beneficial use, and its fabric is beyond repair; or
    2. The proposed replacement or altered building or structure would be of equal or greater townscape and architectural quality than the existing; and
    3. The proposed development cannot practicably be adapted to retain any historic interest that the building or structure possesses.
  2. In the event that demolition is permitted, a condition may be imposed requiring the existing building or structure to be fully recorded.

Sites of Archaeological Importance:

  1. Sites of archaeological importance and their settings will be protected, enhanced and preserved.
  2. Development affecting sites of known or potential archaeological importance and their settings will not be permitted unless it can be shown that any remains will be preserved and protected.
  3. There will be a presumption in favour of physical in-situ preservation of remains of national importance whether Scheduled or otherwise. The design, siting and layout of new development should reflect this.
  4. In the case of remains of regional or local importance, the Council will assess the case for in-situ preservation against factors such as the importance of the remains and the need for the new development.
  5. Where it is considered that in-situ preservation of remains is not merited, in the light of expert advice, developers will be expected to make provision for a programme of archaeological works.
  6. Tree planting or other activities that could adversely affect archaeological remains or their settings will be resisted.
  7. Conditions and/ or legal agreements will be used to ensure the management, enhancement and interpretation of historical and archaeological sites.

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