Display Result » ECON5



  1. Proposals for additional shopping, office, entertainment and leisure floorspace will only be permitted if they are located within the town centre boundary identified on the Proposals Map (Inset No. 3) and are of less than 2,500 sq m. Proposals for mixed use developments will be welcomed within the town centre provided there is no loss of existing Class A1 retail floorspace at ground floor level within the defined core area.

Polesworth and Coleshill

  1. Proposals for additional shopping, office, entertainment and leisure floorspace will only be permitted if they are located within the town centre boundary identified on the Proposals Map (Inset Nos. 6 and 14) and are of less than 1,000 sq m. Proposals for mixed-use developments will be welcomed within the town centres provided there is no loss of existing class A1 retail floorspace at ground floor level within the defined core areas.

Local Service Centres

  1. Proposals for additional shopping, office, entertainment and leisure floorspace will only be permitted within the Local Service Centres if they fall within the typology set out in Appendix 3, are commensurate in nature and scale with the role and function of the local service centre concerned and the size of its catchment area, are grouped with existing facilities of a similar nature and are readily accessible from within the settlement by a range of means of travel and transport, including on foot.

In other settlements and elsewhere outside development boundaries

  1. Proposals for additional shopping, office, entertainment and leisure floorspace will not be permitted.

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