3. Local Service Centre Typology

In order to qualify as a Local Service Centre in the Borough’s Settlement Hierarchy, a range of services and facilities are required to be present, sufficient in type and size to meet the day-to-day needs of residents in the settlement concerned and those in surrounding smaller villages and the wider countryside. These needs will vary from settlement to settlement, according, for example, to the nature and location of existing provision in the area and accessibility to Main Towns both within the Borough and outside it. The following list represents a broad “typology” formulated to illustrate the broad range of key services and facilities that would normally be expected to be found at a Local Service Centre. It responds to the advice in paragraphs 6 and 7 of PPS7.


The typology is intended to serve two main purposes in the determination of applications for planning permission:

  1. To steer development in rural areas to locations where it would make the greatest contribution to the delivery of a sustainable pattern of development. Thus, where development is proposed within a Local Service Centre that does not currently have the range, type or size of services or facilities to meet the demands that the development would place upon it, permission will either:
    • only be granted for development that, in scale or type, would be acceptable in the next lower category of settlement in the Council’s Settlement Hierarchy at appendix S2, or
    • planning conditions will be imposed or planning Obligations sought with a view to remedying the deficiency.
  2. To inform decisions on planning applications that bear on the function of the settlement as a Local Service Centre, whether in the terms of suitably improving or enhancing the range, type and size of facilities and services available to the local community, or avoiding losses that would undermine the functioning of the settlement as a Local Service Centre.

The Typology







Health care:

Recreation, entertainment and leisure:

Other community facilities:


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